[Note]What Is JWT(Json Web Token)-EN
What is JWT(Json Web Token)?
The full name of JWT is Json Web Token. Acccording to the definition, JWT is a proposed Internet standard for creating data with optinal signature and/or opntional encryption whose payload holds JSON that asserts some number of clamis.
It’s used for identity authentication between client and the server that allows accessing resources in the server.
The Structure of JWT
JWT consists of three parts including:
- Header
- Payload
- Signature
JWT Header
Header typically consists of two parts
- type : what’s the type of the token
- algorithm : what algorithm does this token use to sign/encrypt. such as SHA256,RAS or HMAC
"typ" : "jwt",
"alg" : "HS256"
This information will be encoded by base64Url algorithm in order to generate the JWT Header
JWT payload
In payload is typically saving some users information and other useful information.
Be carefulthat payload must not include any secret information due to base64Url algorithm is easy to be decrypted.
JWT Payload standard claims
"sub" :"",//subject
"aud" :"",//audience
"jti" :"",//jwt id
"iat" :"",//Issued at
"iss" :"",//Issuer - who is the publisher of the jwt
"nbf" :"",//Not Before - JWT is not available before the time jwt set.
// other user information that developer set
//for example:
"user_name" : "jackson_tmm",
"email" : "admin@admin.com"
This information will be encoded by base64Url algorithm in order to generate the JWT Payload
The Signature is used to authenticate whether information has been modified during transmission and authenticate the sender that sent this JWT.
To Generate JWT Token
Following this function
base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +
And these three partes will be combined by a .
as following format: xxx.yyy.zzz