[筆記] Binary Search 演算法

Binary Search 演算法是用於在一個有序array中搜尋一個值的演算法 - TC:O(log n)。相較於Linear Search(線性搜尋) - TC:O(n),其效率大大提高。

這篇文章就主要紀錄Binary Search 的不同的搜尋方式。


這種問題比較簡單,就只要直接比較值是否一樣,如果一樣直接返回index。但如果是比特地值小/大,因為給定的數組是有序的,我們就可以直接將搜尋區間縮小即可(取決於比搜尋的值較大還是較小,較小往較大值的範圍趨近,否則往較小值的範圍趨近) 。


func binarySearch(vector<int> arr,int value){
    int i = 0;
    int j = arr.size() - 1;

    while(i <= j){
        int mid = i + (j - i) / 2; //middle index between i and j point
        if(arr[mid] == value) return mid; //the value is found.
        else if(arr[mid] < value) i = mid + 1; //the arr[mid] is less than value,search in [mid + 1,j]
        else if(arr[mid] > value) j = mid - 1; // the arr[mid] is greater than value,search in [i,mid - 1];

    return -1; //NOT FOUND




int binarySearch(vector<int> arr,int value){
    int left = 0;
    int right = arr.size(); //

    while(left < right){ //not equals ,coz right = n -> ended when left == right
        int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
        if(arr[mid] >= value) right = mid; //shrink to left
        else if(arr[mid] < value) left = mid + 1;

    return left;
[1,2,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,7],n = 10
尋找給定數組中的value為4最小index -> ans = index : 3

step 1 :

step 2 :

step 4 :

step 5 :

step 5 : (i == j) ended -> ans : 3


int binarySearch(vector<int> arr,int value){
    int left = 0;
    int right = arr.size();

    while(left < right){
        int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
        if(arr[mid] <= value) left = mid + 1; //shrink to right
        else if(arr[mid] > value) right = mid;

    return left - 1;
[1,2,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,7] ,n = 10
尋找給定數組中的value為4最小index -> ans = index : 7

step 1 :

step 2:

step 2:

step 2: ended - i = j -> return i(8) - 1 = 7


Leetcode - 2187. Minimum Time to Complete Trips

You are given an array time where time[i] denotes the time taken by the ith bus to complete one trip.

Each bus can make multiple trips successively; that is, the next trip can start immediately after completing the current trip. Also, each bus operates independently; that is, the trips of one bus do not influence the trips of any other bus.

You are also given an integer totalTrips, which denotes the number of trips all buses should make in total. Return the minimum time required for all buses to complete at least totalTrips trips.

example 1
Input: time = [1,2,3], totalTrips = 5
Output: 3
- At time t = 1, the number of trips completed by each bus are [1,0,0]. 
  The total number of trips completed is 1 + 0 + 0 = 1.
- At time t = 2, the number of trips completed by each bus are [2,1,0]. 
  The total number of trips completed is 2 + 1 + 0 = 3.
- At time t = 3, the number of trips completed by each bus are [3,1,1]. 
  The total number of trips completed is 3 + 1 + 1 = 5.
So the minimum time needed for all buses to complete at least 5 trips is 3.
Input: time = [2], totalTrips = 1
Output: 2
There is only one bus, and it will complete its first trip at t = 2.
So the minimum time needed to complete 1 trip is 2.

這題給定的數組中每個數字代表的數字表示ith Bus完成一次trip所要的次數,題目要我們找出所有Bus總共能完成trip time的最少次數是多少.
我們看得出來這題就是要讓我們在一個區間裡面找出一個最小能達到特定值的值,所以我們可以通過Binary Search來找。
首先我們要先定義最小值值和最大值是多少,最小值就是time數組中最小能完成一次trip的值(小於這個值就代表沒有一輛Bus可以完成啊,哈哈哈哈)。哪最大值呢?因為我們要求的最少能夠完成total trip的次數,哪我們最多是不是就是最小的哪輛Bus跑了total trip那麼多次呢?(超過了這個值就一定不會是最少了~)。
所以區間為 [low,low * total trip],然後我們就可以從這個裡面取值,取一個符合條件切最小的值即可。


long long minimumTime(vector<int>& time, int totalTrips) {
        long long min = *min_element(time.begin(),time.end());
        long long low = min, heigh = min * totalTrips;

        while(low < heigh){
            //try to tarvel by mid speed
            long long mid = low + (heigh - low) / 2;
            long long total = 0;

            //TODO: calculate the total time in the array 
            for(int i = 0; i < time.size();i++) total += (mid / time[i]);
            if(total >= totalTrips) {
                heigh = mid; //may be the mininum time - lock it
            }else {
                low = mid + 1; // move forward
        return heigh;

